Friday 12 April 2013

Oh crap...

Last night was a total disaster! I've completely lost a vital component! One of the copper right angle joints has gone missing. I've either put it somewhere or one of my pesky kids has nicked it!
It was totally my fault, I had it the night before and put it somewhere. Still, My girlfriend has picked me up a replacement today so I’ve got a busy final night tonight.
Last night, I did a bit of cosmetic work, nailing some thin strips of soft leather to the grip and to the stock where the forward hand would go, and glued the sight onto the sight assembly.
Tonight I need to cut and fix the side pipe assembly and it’s done. I’m confident it will get done.
One final cosmetic detail that was pointed out by my girlfriend which I think is exactly right. The leather strips on the grip look too “new”, I’l going to dirty them up with either boot polish, ink or just plain old dirt from the garden.
No pictures I’m afraid, so the next post will be the finished article!

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