Wednesday, 10 April 2013

In progress - three nights remaining!

My amazing girlfriend bought me a hot glue gun yesterday which, thanks to a tight deadline, is proving invaluable already! Thanks Gorgeous!
Progress last night was in little bits. I stained the rifle stock, two coats, which looks ok. It could’ve been a lot better but I couldn’t get a smooth enough sanded finish on the bottom and rear of the stock so it looks a bit rough and grainy in places. The sides look great and I’m sure that once other components are fixed in place it will look ok.
I used the hot glue gun to glue the snug fitting trigger piece in place (at the second attempt! I didn’t realize that the glue set that quickly!) and I then cut a thin piece of copper sheet to fit over the trigger guard and fix to the stock to neaten up the join.
The 1m long barrel was glued to the sight assembly and a 15mm-22mm copper pipe reducer/widener (depending on which way around you look at it) was also glued to the other end for a cool little detail. So all in all, the barrel length from stock end to tip is now around 1.2m!
Finally, the pressure vessel was glued in place and left to dry overnight. I’m not confident that there is enough contact between the vessel and the stock for a good bond but it will also have leather straps so, fingers crossed it should be ok. I’m going to screw the straps in place tonight first thing.
The next job will be attaching the trigger cover, this will need guide holes drilling with a tiny drill bit and nailing down.
Once that’s done, the barrel will be hot glued to the stock and the brass straps partly drilled to the stock and screwed down.

That’s what I want to achieve tonight at least. Ideally, I want to also cut the side barrel parts too. I’ve found a screw hook to hold up the side barrel but I don’t want to do too much and risk knocking anything that’s still drying.

Apologies for the lack of photos today, I’ll update tomorrow.

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